Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Has Apple fallen far from the (tech) tree?

Image: yukaichou.com

It’s been a rather rough 2016 for Apple as the company’s stocks fall to the lowest it has ever been since 2013. The decline in Apple shares can be explained by the slowdown in iPhone sales and the announcement made by an influential shareholder, Carl Icahn of him selling his entire stake in Apple.

The slowdown in iPhone sales may be reflected by the popularity of the recently released Samsung Galaxy S7. Samsung and Apple have always been rivals and it appears that Samsung won this round. Perhaps Apple can make up for it with the release of the iPhone 7 this September. Apple CFO has commented that the decline in iPhone sales is due to the slowness to upgrade. Knowing this, hopefully Apple will be able to climb back up from their slump.

Carl Icahn commented that his move to sell his entire stake in Apple as a “no-brainer” as China and Beijing have made it increasingly difficult for Apple to conduct their business there. China has recently introduced new regulations on online publishing, which shuts down Apple’s iBooks Stores and iTunes Movies. Apple’s reliance on China as their growth engine has proven to be a bad decision with this sudden change in regulation.

It will be interesting to follow-up on what Apple’s next move will be to increase it’s market share. Is Apple falling behind? Only time will tell.

By Cynthia

Reference article: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/tech-news/Apples-stock-dips-lowest-since-2013/articleshow/52052357.cms

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